Thinking about downsizing your square footage and using your car less, or maybe getting rid of your car entirely? These cities are equipped with plenty of housing full of amenities, have great public transportation systems, and might help you achieve that minimalist lifestyle you're looking for in a new location.

Only ONE city on the list is located in California, and it's San Diego, with it's small-town feel and warm's no wonder that people who move to San Diego tend to not want to leave.
As for the rest of the cities;
Salt Lake City's average work commute time is 18 minutes, and nearly half of Seattle's residents work from home. California is seeing its population decline slightly, as more people are seeking out wide open spaces, complex weather, among other lifestyle changes.
If you're ready to sell your home and move out of state, give us a call and we'd love to make your journey easier.
20 Cities for a Simpler Life
Salt Lake City, UT
Arlington, VA
St. Paul, MN
Madison, WI
Atlanta, GA
Minneapolis, MN
New Orleans, LA
Des Moines, IA
Durham, NC
Richmond, VA
Austin, TX
Portland, OR
Lincoln, NE
Seattle, WA
Raleigh, NC
Honolulu, HI
Orlando, FL
Spokane, WA
Cincinnati, OH
San Diego, CA